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In 3D data visualization, texture defines the mapping from a 3D element to colors or values.

Uniform texture

Uniform texture maps all 3D elements to the same value.

t = hkw.texture.Uniform(color="ivory")

Image texture

Image texture maps a 3D element to color based on the UV coordinates and an image texture.

t = hkw.texture.Image(uv="uv_attr_name", filename="texture.png")

Scalar field texture

One of the most common use case of texture is to map a scalar field to a color field.

Field Type Meaning
data AttributeLike The attribute defining the scalar field
colormap str The colormap to use
domain tuple The domain of the attribute
range tuple The range of colormap
categories bool Whether the data represents categories (i.e. discrete values)
t = hkw.texture.ScalarField(data="attr_name")

See the Heat Method and the Components examples for application of the scalar field texture.

Checkerboard texture

CheckerBoard texture maps 3D elements to one of two possible sub-textures based on a checkerboard pattern.

t = hkw.texture.CheckBoard(

Isocontour texture

Isocontour texture maps 3D elements to one of two possible sub-textures based on the iso-contour of a given scalar field.

t = hkw.texture.Isocontour(

See the Heat Method example for an application of the isocontour texture.