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Grammar Overview

The grammar of a language provides a set of structural rules to combine words together to form semantically meaningful statements. Similarly, from the data visualization community, the seminal work of The Grammar of Graphics from Leland Wilkinson proposed a structured way to systematically decompose a graphic (i.e. chart) into a set of visual and mathematical components. Much like the recipe of a dish, each component is independent, and together they provide a complete specification of a chart. The grammar of graphics is a highly flexible way of describing the desired chart while abstracting away much of the tedious details related to chart drawing.

Grammar overview

Hakowan is a 3D data visualization grammar based on the concept of the grammar of graphics. It identifies 4 key components in 3D data visualization: data, mark, channels and transform.

Data consists of a set of mesh attributes defined over mesh elements. Attributes are the "columns" in our data, and they can be mapped to different visual channels. Each attribute can optionally be associated with a scale transformation. A mark defines the basic types of visualization elements (e.g. point, curve, surface). A channel represent some form of visual property used to encode data. Hakowan supports various materials, where each material may expose multiple visual channels. The mapping from an attribute to a material channel is defined by a texture. A transform represents a set of global transformations (e.g. adding/removing geometry and/or attributes) applied to the data before visualization.

A complete specification of data, mark, channel and transform components forms a layer in the visualization. Each component of a layer can be overwrite, and multiple layers can be combined together to generate composite visualization.

API Overview

For the rest of this document, we will assume the hakowan package has been imported as the alias hkw.

import hakowan as hkw

Create a layer

Layer is the most fundamental object within Hakowan as it contains the complete specification of all 4 key components. The following snippet shows how to create an empty layer.

base = hkw.layer()

In an empty layer, all 4 components are None. In order for a layer to be render-able, data should specified. The other 3 components will fall back to default values if not specified.

Specify data

Given a base layer, we use the .data method to specify data.

# Specify data from file
l ="filename.obj")

# Specify data from lagrange.SurfaceMesh object
l =

Specify mark

Mark can be specified with .mark method of layer object.

l = base.mark(hkw.mark.Point)

Specify channel

Similarly, channels can be specified with .channel method.

l ="my_position"),"my_normal")

In the above example, we specify two channels in the same .channel call. In each specification, we created the corresponding Position or Normal channel objects. The data parameter here specifies the associated attribute to use for channel encoding.

Material can also be specified with .channel method.

l =

Here, we simply assign a uniform color to the reflectance channel of the Diffuse material. To use mesh attribute to encode material channel, we need to use a texture.

l =

Specify transform

We use the .transform method of a layer object to specify transform.

l = base.transform(
        condition=lambda p:p[0] > 0

Layer composition

Let l0 and l1 be two layers, we can use addition to combine them together.

combined_layer = l0 + l1