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The configuration class defines a number of scene-related settings that mapped directly from Mitsuba.

  • sensor: Camera-related settings.
  • film: The output image format.
  • sampler: Sampler settings.
  • emitters: An array of light settings.
  • integrator: Settings for different rendering techniques.

The configuration object provides a number of handy functions for commonly used configurations. For example, the default scene using Y axis as the up direction. To change the up direction:

config = hkw.config()

config.z_up() # Change the up direction to +Z axis.
config.z_down() # Change the up direction to -Z axis.
config.y_up() # Change the up direction to +Y axis.
config.y_down() # Change the up direction to -Y axis.

Another useful feature is to enable albedo-only rendering:

config.albedo_only = True

See the Penny example for a usage of albedo-only rendering.

Sensor settings

Sensor defines the camera setting. All sensors supports the following settings:

Setting Type Description
location NDArray The camera location. (default: [0, 0, 5])
target NDArray The look-at location. (default: [0, 0, 0])
up NDArray The up direction. (default: [0, 1, 0])
near_clip float The near clipping plane (default: 1e-2)
far_clip float The far clipping plane (default: 1e4)

Note that location and target are location after applying global transformation that put the bounding box of the scene within a unit sphere centered at the origin. Typically, only location needs to be changed based on need.

Perspective sensor

Perspective sensor models the traditional pin-hole camera. It support the following attributes.

Setting Type Description
fov float The field of view in degrees. (default: 28.8415)
fov_axis str The fox axis (default: smaller)
config.sensor = hkw.setup.sensor.Perspective(fov=30)

Orthographic sensor

Orthographic sensor uses the orthographic projection. This sensor type does not produce foreshortening effect.

config.sensor = hkw.setup.sensor.Orthograpic()

See the Incremental Potential Contact example for an usage of orthographic sensor.

Thin lens sensor

This sensor models the thin lens camera model which allows rendering with a specific depth of field.

Setting Type Description
aperture_radius float The aperture radius. (default: 0.1)
focus_distance float The focus distance. (default: 0.0)

Film settings

Film settings provide output image specification.

Setting Type Description
width int The output image width (default: 1024)
height int The output image height (default: 800)
file_format str The output image file format (default: openexr)
pixel_format str The output image pixel format (default: rgba)
component_format str The output image pixel format (default: float16)
crop_offset NDArray The top left corner of the crop region (default: None)
crop_size NDArray The size of the crop region (default: None)

Note that crop_offset and crop_size together define the crop region. Setting either to None indicate no cropping. file_format, pixel_format and component_format are for expert-usage only.

# Generate 4K rendering. = 3840 = 2160


Sampler defines the sample strategy used for rendering. It supports the following parameters:

Setting Type Description
sample_count int Number of samples per pixel (default: 256)
seed int Random number seed (default: 0)

Note that sampler settings typically do not need to be changed unless the rendered image is too noisy.

config.sampler.sample_count = 128 # Reduce sample count

Emitter settings

Emitters represent the light source in the scene. The emitting setting directly influence the shading and shadow of the scene. Multiple emitters can be used at the same time.

Point emitter

A point emitter is a point light source, which tends to generate share shadow boundaries.

l = hkw.setup.emitter.Point(position=[0, 0, 5], intensity="#FFEAC5")

Environment emitter

A environment emitter defines image-based lighting (IBL). It is the preferred emitter setting in Hakowan. By default, we use "At the Window" environment map from Bernhard Vogl (free for non-commercial usage).

l = hkw.setup.emitter.Envmap(filename="envmap.exr")

Integrator settings

Integrator settings defines the render technique used.

Setting Type Description
hide_emitters bool Whether to render emitters (default: False)

Path integrator

The Path integrator mirrors the Mitsuba's Path integrator. It is the default integrator used in Hakowan.

AOV integrator

The AOV integrator mirrors the Mitsuba's AOV integrator. It is useful for visualizing specific attribute without shading.

VolPath integrator

The VolPath integrator mirrors the Mitsuba's VolPath integrator. It is useful for rendering scene with volumetric elements (e.g. with Dielectric material).