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Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

This example aims to reproduce Figure 9 from the paper "Implicit Surface Tension for SPH Fluid Simulation".


The data is genearted using the SPlisHSPlasH library which comes with the scene files used to generate the original figure:

SPHSimulate ../data/Scenes/SurfaceTension_WaterBell_JWL+23.json


#!/usr/bin/env python

import hakowan as hkw
import lagrange
import numpy as np

config = hkw.config()
config.sensor.location = [0, 0, 3]

emitter = hkw.layer("data/emitter.msh").channel(

box_min = [-1.223, -0.5, -1.226]
box_max = [1.224, 4.0, 1.222]
roi_box = np.vstack([box_min, box_max])
for i in [10, 30, 60, 133]:
    fluid = (
        .data(f"data/waterbell_{i:03}.msh", roi_box=roi_box)
            hkw.texture.ScalarField("speed", domain=[0, 10]),
    ).transform(hkw.transform.Norm("velocity", "speed"))
    hkw.render(fluid + emitter, config, filename=f"results/waterbell_{i:03}_all.png")

    fluid = fluid.transform(hkw.transform.Filter(condition=lambda p: p[2] <= 0))
    hkw.render(fluid + emitter, config, filename=f"results/waterbell_{i:03}.png")