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This page contains classes defined in hakowan.material module.

Material dataclass

Bases: Channel

Material base class.


Name Type Description
two_sided bool

Whether to render both sides of the surface (default: False).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
@dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True)
class Material(Channel):
    """Material base class.

        two_sided: Whether to render both sides of the surface (default: False).

    two_sided: bool = False

Diffuse dataclass

Bases: Material

Diffuse material.


Name Type Description
reflectance TextureLike

Diffuse reflectance (i.e. base color) texture (default: 0.5).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class Diffuse(Material):
    """Diffuse material.

        reflectance: Diffuse reflectance (i.e. base color) texture (default: 0.5).

    reflectance: TextureLike = 0.5

Conductor dataclass

Bases: Material

Conductor material.


Name Type Description
material str

Conductor material name based on Mitsuba preset.

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class Conductor(Material):
    """Conductor material.

        material: Conductor material name based on [Mitsuba preset](

    material: str

RoughConductor dataclass

Bases: Conductor

Rough conductor material.


Name Type Description
distribution str

Microfacet distribution (default: "beckmann").

alpha Texture | float

Roughness value (default: 0.1).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class RoughConductor(Conductor):
    """Rough conductor material.

        distribution: Microfacet distribution (default: "beckmann").
        alpha: Roughness value (default: 0.1).
    distribution: str = "beckmann"
    alpha: Texture | float = 0.1

Plastic dataclass

Bases: Material

Plastic material.


Name Type Description
diffuse_reflectance TextureLike

Diffuse reflectance (i.e. base color) texture (default: 0.5).

specular_reflectance Texture | float

Specular reflectance texture (default: 1.0).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class Plastic(Material):
    """Plastic material.

        diffuse_reflectance: Diffuse reflectance (i.e. base color) texture (default: 0.5).
        specular_reflectance: Specular reflectance texture (default: 1.0).
    diffuse_reflectance: TextureLike = 0.5
    specular_reflectance: Texture | float = 1.0

RoughPlastic dataclass

Bases: Plastic

Rough plastic material.


Name Type Description
distribution str

Microfacet distribution (default: "beckmann").

alpha float

Roughness value (default: 0.1).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class RoughPlastic(Plastic):
    """Rough plastic material.

        distribution: Microfacet distribution (default: "beckmann").
        alpha: Roughness value (default: 0.1).
    distribution: str = "beckmann"
    alpha: float = 0.1

Principled dataclass

Bases: Material

Principled material.


Name Type Description
color TextureLike

Base color texture (default: 0.5).

roughness Texture | float

Roughness texture (default: 0.5).

metallic Texture | float

Metallic texture (default: 0.0).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class Principled(Material):
    """Principled material.

        color: Base color texture (default: 0.5).
        roughness: Roughness texture (default: 0.5).
        metallic: Metallic texture (default: 0.0).
    color: TextureLike = 0.5
    roughness: Texture | float = 0.5
    metallic: Texture | float = 0.0
    anisotropic: float = 0.0
    spec_trans: float = 0.0
    eta: float = 1.5
    spec_tint: float = 0.0
    sheen: float = 0.0
    sheen_tint: float = 0.0
    flatness: float = 0.0

ThinPrincipled dataclass

Bases: Principled

Thin Principled material.

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class ThinPrincipled(Principled):
    """Thin Principled material."""
    diff_trans: float = 0.0

Dielectric dataclass

Bases: Material

Dielectric material.


Name Type Description
int_ior str | float

Interior index of refraction (default: "bk7").

ext_ior str | float

Exterior index of refraction (default: "air").

medium Medium | None

Medium (default: None).

specular_reflectance float

Specular reflectance texture (default: 1.0).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class Dielectric(Material):
    """Dielectric material.

        int_ior: Interior index of refraction (default: "bk7").
        ext_ior: Exterior index of refraction (default: "air").
        medium: Medium (default: None).
        specular_reflectance: Specular reflectance texture (default: 1.0).
    int_ior: str | float = "bk7"
    ext_ior: str | float = "air"
    medium: Medium | None = None
    specular_reflectance: float = 1.0
    specular_transmittance: float = 1.0

ThinDielectric dataclass

Bases: Dielectric

Thin dielectric material.

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class ThinDielectric(Dielectric):
    """Thin dielectric material."""

RoughDielectric dataclass

Bases: Dielectric

Rough dielectric material.


Name Type Description
distribution str

Microfacet distribution (default: "beckmann").

alpha Texture | float

Roughness value (default: 0.1).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class RoughDielectric(Dielectric):
    """Rough dielectric material.

        distribution: Microfacet distribution (default: "beckmann").
        alpha: Roughness value (default: 0.1).
    distribution: str = "beckmann"
    alpha: Texture | float = 0.1

Hair dataclass

Bases: Material

Hair material.


Name Type Description
eumelanin float

Eumelanin (dark/brown pigment) concentration (default: 1.3).

pheomelanin float

Pheomelanin (reddish-yellow pigment) concentration (default: 0.2).

Source code in hakowan/grammar/channel/material/
class Hair(Material):
    """Hair material.

        eumelanin: Eumelanin (dark/brown pigment) concentration (default: 1.3).
        pheomelanin: Pheomelanin (reddish-yellow pigment) concentration (default: 0.2).
    eumelanin: float = 1.3
    pheomelanin: float = 0.2