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This page contains classes defined in hakowan.dataclass module.

DataFrameLike: TypeAlias = str | Path | lagrange.SurfaceMesh | DataFrame module-attribute

Type alias for objects that can be converted to a DataFrame.

  • A string or a Path object is interpreted as a path to a file that contains a mesh object. A DataFrame object will be created with the loaded mesh.
  • A SurfaceMesh object will create a DataFrame object with the mesh object.
  • A DataFrame object will be unchanged.

DataFrame dataclass

DataFrame represents data that are stored on a 3D surface.

A DataFrame contains a reference to a SurfaceMesh object, which defines the 3D geometry where data are stored. The mesh object also contains a set of attributes, which can be thought of as columns in traditional table-based data representation. Each attribute defines data values associated with mesh vertices, edges, facets, etc.


Name Type Description
mesh SurfaceMesh

A SurfaceMesh object that defines the 3D geometry where data are stored.

roi_box ArrayLike | None

A box defining the region of interest. If None, the entire mesh is considered.

Source code in hakowan/grammar/dataframe/
class DataFrame:
    """DataFrame represents data that are stored on a 3D surface.

    A DataFrame contains a reference to a SurfaceMesh object, which defines the 3D geometry where
    data are stored. The mesh object also contains a set of attributes, which can be thought of as
    columns in traditional table-based data representation. Each attribute defines data values
    associated with mesh vertices, edges, facets, etc.

        mesh: A SurfaceMesh object that defines the 3D geometry where data are stored.
        roi_box: A box defining the region of interest. If None, the entire mesh is considered.

    mesh: lagrange.SurfaceMesh
    roi_box: npt.ArrayLike | None = None